<aside> ❓ In this page, we cover the basics around the different uses and applications of Race, Ethnicity and Ancestry in a genomics context. Understanding this is key to understanding the rest of the words in this toolkit.


The Language Toolkit offers a list of words that we often use in genetic research but that have different meanings depending on contexts (scientific, everyday life, political, etc.). The Toolkit is not definitive but we hope that it can serve as a practical starting point when in doubt about language use.

We suggest starting with the words “Ancestry” “Ethnicity” and “Race” to get a good background.

See the video below for a quick introduction:

CC302 Language Toolkit MAIN with SUBTITLES 04-08-22.mp4

You can also access this printable pdf below for a simplified quick guide about the differences between the two words

ARE quickguide A3 vf.pdf